President: Kelly Plunkett

Vice-President: Christina Thompson

Treasurer: Lana Noel

Secretary: Debbie Picard

Director: Susan Carroll 

Director: Trudy Woolford

Past President: Lauralee Peck

2012-2013 GVSC Executive






For more information, please contact Kelly Punkett at 819-422-3565 or
GVSC is run entirely by parent volunteers. Club operations are handled by a volunteer Executive, which is elected at the club's Annual General Meeting in the spring of each year. Members of the Executive are interested in hearing your compliments and concerns, so please feel free to contact them.

GVSC belongs to the members of the club. Only through active participation of the members will the club remain strong and effective. Volunteers are needed to help out in all aspects of the operations. There are many ways to help out, and all members are encouraged to donate some time. Contact a member of the Executive to find out more about how you can help.